Saturday, February 29, 2020
Britain and Revolutionary war
Britain had control over the colonists which cant they werent free men and couldnt make their own government like the Declaration of Independence stated that they could. The colonists that wrote the Declaration of Independence were Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Roger , Sam Adams and Robert E. And with what they wrote they were trying to convince other people that how Britain was treating them wasnt justified and that they were Just like the people in Britain and they werent less human than them so they had the right to be free Just like Britain.The Declaration of independence was in the point of view of the colonists but it was still Justified because Its true that all men are created equal and that the colonists arent any less than the British so the colonists had all the rights to declare their independence. The colonists fought alongside Britain in the French and Indian war, which they didnt even start, and when they won the war Britain decided to take advantage of the colo nists. One way Britain took advantage of the colonists was that they taxed them. Britain put a stamp act, which stated that any legal document had to have a stamp that had to be bought.But that wasnt the worst part because Britain also taxed them for tea. Tea was like a necessity for the colonists. Colonists drank tea dally but now they were being taxed for it. The colonists were also in charge of supplying for the British army that was in America. The colonists didnt need all those soldiers in America but Britain Just wanted to make profit off them. Britain was just taken advantage of the colonist by Just taxing them to pay off Britains war debt, taxing the colonists for their necessities Like tea, sugar, coffee, and wine, plus they had to supply Britains soldiers. Britain also took away the privilege for the colonists to move Into he new land that they Just fought hard for. The colonists werent able to migrate Into land that they just won because Britain had control over them and didnt want them to so basically Britain took advantage of the colonists because they helped them in the war but at the end the colonists were paying for the war and couldnt get something that was theirs which was the new land they had Just conquered.Since the colonists were taken advantage of by Britain by being taxed without representation and having things taken away from them It was completely Justified for the colonists to declare their independence. Britain also put an act called the sugar act, which taxed the colonists for things like sugar and molasses. This upset the colonists because they were just being taxed on more necessities and most people couldnt afford it anymore so they were Just other necessities taken away from them. The British were Just doing it to pay off their war debt.The colonists complained about the sugar act and being taxed but Britain did not listen to them so and placed more acts against the colonists. The sugar act also affected merchants and shippers because they were being taxed on their product that they were making money off so they would eventually end up losing money. The colonists were angry that the British werent listening to them and being unjust by taxing them without representation so they had the right to claim their independence. There was a news article that said that the colonists were over reacting to the taxes.They said that they were lucky they werent being taxed on other things like beer but even so what the colonists were being taxed on were necessities to them. The colonists drank tea almost every day and sugar was a major thing for the colonists because they all used it. The article on the newspaper written by someone from England also said that the taxes did not affect the poor only the rich because the poor didnt buy newspaper so the stamp act did not affect them and that stamps arent a necessity of life.But poor people still needed other things that they were being taxed on. So Britain taxing the colonists was Just unfair and gave the colonists more reasons to rebel. The colonists originally did not want to break from Britain and loyalty to the king. They tried to propose their concerns and ideas for resolve peacefully to Britain but they would not even listen to their proposal. Instead they continued to worsen the colonists anger towards Britain until it drove them to revolt.In 1775 the colonists finally declared themselves to be in a state of rebellion. They had had enough years of unfair and poor treatment. The government as corrupt and they had the right to abolish it and create a new one like the Declaration of independence stated they could but Britain did not let them. The colonists had many reasons why they were morally Justified in declaring Independence, and without their bravery and determination for liberty we would not live in this wonderful country the United States of America today.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
How do men and women use language differently Research Paper
How do men and women use language differently - Research Paper Example â€Å"Men grow up in a world in which a conversation is often a contest, either to achieve the upper hand or to prevent other people from pushing them around whereas women often speak for confirmation and support†The male domination in the society is often cited as major the reason for which males and females use language differently. Women in normal cases, use more polite words than men. Men always try to stamp their authority and they often use bold words to dominate over others. On the other hand women use soft words because of their inferior status in the society. Women and men have different purposes in a communication process and they use language based on the purpose. For example, men usually use language as a status symbol and to dominate over others whereas women often seek support and they use polite words. â€Å"Women tend to use more standard forms of English whereas men tend to use less standard forms of English†(Women language, n. d). The intentions of wo men and men in a conversation are different. Women often work for social cohesion and they do not like conflicts in the society. So they use only formal languages in order to avoid clashes. Women are normally peace loving people. On the other hand, men often use language to assert their dominance in a group which is hierarchically formed. In other words, men often like the company of people who are ready to accept their views and opinion. For example, drug addicts or alcohol addicts often like to have the company of similar people whereas nonalcoholic people will never like the company of alcoholic people.
Saturday, February 1, 2020
The Virgin Mary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Virgin Mary - Essay Example The Virgin Mary has a great many aspects in the world of Christianity because of her humility, piety and role as the mother of the Savior of humanity. Yet, in Protestantism, she would be quite different in her portrayal than she would be in Catholicism. Yes, she is still seen as the Virgin Mary, but in quite a different light. In the Roman Catholic Churches, Mary is the pre-eminent saint and the focus of much popular devotion. "This article explores historical and modern Christian beliefs about Mary (known as "Mariology"), which includes such doctrines as the Immaculate Conception of Mary, the Virgin Birth of Christ, the perpetual virginity of Mary, the Assumption of Mary, Mary as "Theotokos," and Mary as Coredemptrix and Mediatrix". (1. Religion Facts) The Virgin Mary plays a prominent role in some of the Gospels; these would include the birth stories of Jesus found in the books of Mark in chapters one and two, as well as the book of Luke in chapters one and two. Within the text of the Gospel of Luke, The Virgin Mary would have been part of the tribe of Judah within the lineage of David. In her first appearance in the Gospel of Luke, when an angel appears to her, Gabriel, where she is told that she, through the power of the Holy Spirit, will give birth to the Son of God. The Gospel of Luke in actuality goes no further in describing Mary at all, withholding credentials and more of her worthiness to be the Mother of God. Gaventa, in Religion Facts: Just the Facts in the World's Religions, points this out in many locations throughout the piece. "Really, Luke tells us nothing about her," Gaventa said. Gaventa goes further in saying that no credentials are given to make us think Mary would actually be worthy of being chosen by God. Or that what happens in the story is that Mary is chosen entirely by God's own initiative. This would be an excellent example of what Protestants would emphasize as being part of God's divine grace or God's initiative. "Mary, regardless of this unfathomable news, was engaged to Joseph and Mary, according to all accounts, humbly accepts the fact that she will give birth to the Son of God." (2. Religion Facts) The reason it is considered Immaculate Conception and delivery was the fact that the hymen would have remained intact dur ing labor and delivery, an unheard of capacity. This information was first divulged within the treatises of Gnostic Ascension of Isaiah in the late 1st Century and would also have been found in the late 2nd century Protoevangelium of James. When Mary was a young woman engaged to Joseph, the Angel Gabriel announced to her that she would give birth to a son that would be born of the Holy Spirit. Mary humbly accepted her divinely-appointed role, saying, "May it be unto me as you have said." She then conceived and gave birth to Jesus while remaining a virgin (Lk 1:31f; Mt 1:20, 23). Mary gave birth in a way as to avoid labor pains and leave her hymen intact. This was first found in the Gnostic Ascension of Isaiah (late 1st century), 1 and also found in the late 2nd century Protoevangelium of James. Christian writers in the earliest writings including Clement of Alexandria of the 3rd Century would have
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